Adobe Analytics Release: Data Warehouse improvements

Marketing Cloud November 5 updates

Adobe has released some new interesting features related to Adobe Analytics. If you are a Data Warehouse user, you should read this quick post.

Data Warehouse: Breakdown by segment

Data Warehouse allows you to build advanced reports and extract your data easily.

This great release added a very interesting feature for Data Warehouse experts. You can now breakdown your reports by segments. This allows you to build very interesting reports and leverage existing segments in your Analytics.

You simply need to add desired Segment in your report. Then, your line items will be updated by “1” for values inside your segment, and “0” for items outside the segment.

New search box

Also, it is now easier to find specific variable or segment using an interactive search box.

Video updates

Adobe added the Quartile events to better track the video progress and milestones (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%). Also, the Average Minute Audience event has been added.

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