Adobe Target Premium updates of July 2018

Several Adobe updates have been made to Adobe Target Premium features in July.

Adobe Target Premium named leader

Adobe Target Premium has been named the only leader in Forrester Wave in a comprehensive report evaluating eight vendors. It achieved the highest scores in the online behavioral targeting tests, the product visions in the performance roadmap, the performance and the ecosystem criteria of all the partners.

New features of Adobe Target Premium

 The good news is that you can now create a defined audience to compare two profile attributes for your audience library or in an activity-only audience.

In addition, the custom code is now available in the “Add Changes” section.

You can also view a list of activities that refer to a selected criterion on its Criteria sheet.

Improvements, fixes, and changes in Adobe Target Premium

  • Increase the size of the rich text editor template for better use.
  • The Target step diagrams for automated customization and multivariate testing activities have been redesigned to be more consistent with the designs used for experiment targeting.
  • The metric value for the Contribution Multivariate Test Location (MVT) report is now more consistent with metric values ​​rounded to two decimal places. 

For more details consult Adobe’s release notes.


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