Tag: Digital Analytics

Major security flaw in Linux

A major flaw in the Linux Bash feature was discovered on September 24. This vulnerability, known as Shellshock, could allow hackers to execute shell commands without any restriction from the environment. This bug makes it…


Google Analytics has introduced a new feature and is now able to ignore visits from bots. This new filter option will allow website managers to have more accurate traffic statistics. Indeed, robots inflate the number…

What are the Google Analytics API and what are they used for?

One question that our team at Devrun Web Agency gets asked rather frequently deals with Google Analytics APIs. If you have been using Google Analytics for a while now, you may have already come across…

Google Analytics for WordPress: practical guide

At Devrun Web Agency, we take pride in helping each and every client achieve the most in the field of online marketing based on their allocated resources and requirements. One of the trends we have…